**African American Digital and Experimental Humanities (AADHum) is excited to announce the 2024 Social Media Corps program!**

This 4-week program offers space to design humanities-based digital media, featuring hands-on class activities encouraging creative play in a robust & upbeat learning community, and a $525 stipend.


<aside> ✨ **This program runs from 7/8/24 to 7/31/24.

To apply, complete the 2024 Social Media Corps application and submit by Friday 6/14!**


Social media spaces — shared online digital platforms — are socially and technically complex. At the same time, they offer important nodes for scholarly interaction. In the SMC you will explore how design and critical thinking work together to support scholarly and creative research communities, practicing how to present your work to various online audiences.

We will also cover how scholarly inquiry overlaps with digital and data narrative, highlighting social media as one small part of a larger digital storytelling ecosystem through activities such as creating a scholarly brand kit, examining social media history and ethics, and developing public-facing scholarly communication strategies.

At the end of the program you will have a small digital media portfolio to share online and a kit of digital media storytelling tools to take with you. You own any materials you create during SMC; we only ask that AADHum and MITH be allowed to use your assets following your tenure in the program, in accordance with your selected Creative Commons license.

Click to check out the awesome work of our past cohorts!




<aside> ✨ SMC24 Facilitators


**Dr. Elizabeth Murice Alexander** Assistant Clinical Professor, AADHum


**Katelin Ten** Computational & Experimental Arts & Humanities Associate, AADHum


SMC24 will be held virtually, and participants will be asked to commit 5 hours weekly for workshop sessions. Workshop dates will be scheduled after the cohort is selected so we can best accommodate your existing summer obligations.

<aside> 🤳🏾 Currently enrolled undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-docs at two and four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. are eligible to apply.


How do I apply?

Complete the application form, which asks you to:

Apply here:


5/17 ⇢ Application opens

6/14 ⇢ Application closes

6/21 ⇢ Notifications released

7/08 ⇢ SMC24 begins

7/31 ⇢ SMC24 ends

Applications due Friday 6/14!